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Eleven international publishing
264 eBooks gevonden
Rethinking Expropriation Law IV
- Eleven international publishing
- NILG - Vastgoed, Omgeving en Recht
- 7 Maart 2024
- 9789400114029
The latest IPCC report makes it abundantly clear that we are failing to reach the target of limiting global warming to 1.5°C compared to the pre-industrial era. If we are to reach this target, we need to take measures to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, to move away from fossil fuels as energy sources and to adopt renewable energy sources. Particularly high-income countries need to reduce consumption and the exploitation of nature. Enforcement is in order when incentives such as subsidies are not sufficiently effective. To explore and reflect on the scope for state action that limits or expropriates property for climate protection, we gathered a group of scholars from around the world at the 2022 conference 'Takings for Climate Justice and Resilience', hosted by the University of Groningen. We sought to address the scope for States to expropriate property for renewable energy projects, to prohibit harmful activities on land, and to compel owners to refurbish their buildings. This fourth book in the Rethinking Expropriation Law series of the Expert Group on Expropriation Law ( contains fourteen double-blind peer-reviewed contributions based upon presentations given at the aforementioned conference. This book aims to contribute to the legal debate on how to better protect our climate, intended for academics, practitioners, policymakers and politicians. The series Vastgoed, Omgeving & Recht (Property, Environment & Law) focuses on exchange of knowledge and discussion between theory and practice in the field of real estate, environment and law in the broadest sense. Monographs, theses, conference bundles and comments are part of the series. This series is part of the book series published by the Nederlands Institute for Law and Governance (NILG). The Nederlands Institute for Law and Governance (NILG) is a joint venture between the faculties of law at the VU University Amsterdam, the University of Groningen and other research institutions to improve research in the field of Law and Governance. The NILG's research theme is the interaction between the regulation of public and private interests in law and the way in which these interests are being regulated.
Convention Constitutionalism
R. Pierik
- Eleven international publishing
- Maastricht Law Series
- 22 Juli 2024
- 9789400114470
The European Court of Human Rights has been criticized for unduly interfering in democratic decision processes. Some argue that the unelected Strasbourg activists in robes should not interfere with democratic policy decisions that were made nationally. This inaugural lecture analyses this practice of rights-based judicial review by the Strasbourg Court. The first part presents a general legal-philosophical background. It explains that republicans, who emphasize the importance of the democratic way of self-governance, are in favour of weak forms of judicial review. Liberals, who prioritise the constitutionally protected fundamental rights, are in favour of strong judicial review. The second part employs this conceptual toolbox to describe and analyse judicial review as exercised by the Strasbourg Court since its inception in 1959. Should we understand it as strong, weak, or as something in between? I conclude that it is best understood as a weakened form of strong judicial review. The third part provides a normative discussion of the Strasbourg Court in the context of the emerging European constitutional landscape. It starts from the observation that the European Convention on Human Rights is first and foremost a collaboration of Party States that pursue congruent constitutional-democratic projects. This third part investigates the role of judicial review by the European Court in the ongoing dialogue with Party States in cementing a convention constitutionalism through the further strengthening of a European consensus on the content and impact of Convention rights. About the Maastricht Law Series: Created in 2018 by Boom juridisch and Eleven International Publishing in association with the Maastricht University Faculty of Law, the Maastricht Law Series publishes books on comparative, European and International law. The series builds upon the tradition of excellence in research at the Maastricht Faculty of Law, its research centers and the Ius Commune Research School. The Maastricht Law Series is a peer reviewed book series that allows researchers an excellent opportunity to showcase their work.
Teaching Comparative Law: Experiences and Reflections
K. Boele-Woelki
- Eleven international publishing
- Maastricht Law Series
- 11 April 2024
- 9789400113725
Author Katharina Boele-Woelki reports on her many years of teaching comparative law. This volume is addressed to (young) academics teaching comparative law and to all those interested in the questions of what, when, who, why and how. Three aspects need to be considered. In terms of the subject matter, the challenge is to focus either on the history and use of comparative law, on introductions to different legal systems, on teaching a particular area of law from a comparative perspective, or on comparative methodology. The latter should always be included, since it is only by knowing how to compare that a course in comparative law can develop its potential with lasting impact on students' future careers as legal scholars, lawyers or decision-makers. The expertise of the lecturer, the time available and the target group determine the environment which requires forethought and a flexible approach to course content and teaching format. With regard to the way in which comparative law is taught, four different methods are explained, based on the motto "learning by doing": explaining one's own jurisdiction to fellow-students, comparing on the basis of pre-selected material, comparing of comparative legal studies carried out by others and, finally, undertaking a comparative legal study by the students themselves. About the author: Katharina Boele-Woelki is Chair of the Commission on European Family Law and a member of the Curatorium of the Hague Academy of International Law. She was Professor of Private International Law, Comparative Law and Family Law at the University of Utrecht from 1995 to 2015, President of Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, from 2015 to 2023, Claussen-Simon Foundation Professor of Comparative Law at the same institution and President of the International Academy of Comparative Law from 2014 to 2022. About the Maastricht Law Series: Created in 2018 by Boom juridisch and Eleven International Publishing in association with the Maastricht University Faculty of Law, the Maastricht Law Series publishes books on comparative, European and International law. The series builds upon the tradition of excellence in research at the Maastricht Faculty of Law, its research centers and the Ius Commune Research School. The Maastricht Law Series is a peer reviewed bookseries that allows researchers an excellent opportunity to showcase their work.
Access portals for citizens and small businesses
R.C. Hartendorp, S.P.S. Haricharan, T. Lubbers
- Eleven international publishing
- 12 Juni 2024
- 9789400113916
In the Netherlands, there is a wide range of different forms of legal aid and there are many options for solving legal problems. For citizens and small entrepreneurs, it is often complicated to choose a route that best suits their legal problem. One solution to this is an access portal through which citizens and entrepreneurs receive support in finding the right (legal) assistance and routes for conflict resolution. This study identifies six access portals from abroad that can serve as inspiration for an access portal in the Netherlands. These are the Medical Legal Partnership and the Multidoor Courthouse in the United States, the Citizen Advice Bureau in England and Wales, the Chotei in Japan, the Schlichtungsverfahren in Switzerland and Court Connected Mediation in Finland. On the basis of the experiences in these countries, three models for a Dutch access portal are outlined. The researchers also initiate further discussion and debate. This book is of interest to legal practicioners, policy makers and administrators involved in legal aid, conflict resolution and justice.
The Transfer of Rights in Securitisations
Chike Emedosi
- Eleven international publishing
- European and International Insolvency La
- 15 Augustus 2024
- 9789400114616
This book presents, for the first time, a systematic study of the solutions available for transferring money claims and related security rights in securitisations, using England, France and Scotland as focus jurisdictions. It adopts a dual comparative approach to determine a model solution that is most efficient for securitisations. First, it employs a functional approach to identify solutions available in the focus jurisdictions. Through this method, the book offers a comprehensive doctrinal analysis of the laws governing the transfer of claims and related security rights in the selected jurisdictions, making it a valuable resource for students, academics and practitioners interested in this subject area. Second, the book uses a law and economics approach to evaluate the solutions and determine the most efficient solution. This novel approach uses a leximetric methodology to measure the transfer solutions against six policy objectives, making it a valuable resource for policymakers. The book is a timely addition to the topical debate on how laws should be designed to facilitate securitisation in various jurisdictions.
Shaping Civil Litigation Using Procedural Agreements
Antonio Cabral, Anna Nylund
- Eleven international publishing
- 29 April 2024
- 9789400114289
Procedural agreements hold the potential to effectively customise and expedite civil proceedings. However, their impact on access to justice, particularly for weaker litigants, and the potential erosion of the court's role raise significant concerns. Despite the growing acceptance of procedural contracts, it is still unclear how courts should interpret and when they should enforce these agreements. This book delves into the critical examination of choice-of-court, evidentiary, costs, appeal, and alternative dispute resolution agreements, offering a discussion on the boundaries between procedural and contract law. It interrogates the entanglements between procedural agreements, flexible procedural rules, case management, and the increasing complexity of litigated cases. Additionally, it examines the interrelations between procedural contracts and current trends in civil litigation, including the obligation of European courts to safeguard consumers against unfair terms and the emergence of international commercial courts.The book provides valuable insights on procedural agreements for both academics and practitioners, illuminating the dynamics of contractualisation', flexibilisation', diversification', and arbitralisation' of civil litigation.
Rule of Law: Sustainability and Mutual Trust in a Transforming Europe
Petra Bárd
- Eleven international publishing
- 16 November 2023
- 9789400113534
The book is the extended version of the inaugural lecture given by Professor Petra Bárd on 21 September 2023 on the occasion of her taking up the Chair in Sustainable Rule of Law at the Research Centre for State and Law (SteR) in the Faculty of Law at Radboud University, Nijmegen.
Professor Bárd places the specific manifestation of rule of law deficiencies in the evolution of European criminal justice within a broader constitutional context. She has led the way in reframing the academic and policy debates, so that mutual trust and mutual recognition, the principle guiding EU criminal cooperation, are firmly grounded in the framework of defending and sustaining the inextricably linked values of democracy, the protection of fundamental rights and the rule of law.
The inaugural lecture, just like the award of the Chair, is a testament to Professor Bárd's immense contribution towards understanding and defending the rule of law in Europe in challenging times.
Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas -
In a growing number of countries, inquiries into past intercountry adoptions take place that identify systemic abuses and irregularities and conclude that adoption stakeholders encouraged or facilitated illegal intercountry adoptions. However, so far, the response from these stakeholders has been inadequate in addressing the profound human rights violations endured by those affected by illegal adoptions. Despite the growing movement of adoptees advocating for justice on behalf of themselves and their birth families and communities, adoption stakeholders in both sending and receiving countries have remained largely passive, lacking a coherent strategy to confront and rectify illegal intercountry adoptions. This inertia is exacerbated by the wide gap in adequate regulations regarding remedies and reparations for illegal intercountry adoptions. Facing the Past: Policies and Good Practices for Responses to Illegal Intercountry Adoptions aims to fill this critical gap by offering insights and recommendations to guide the process of reconciliation. Bringing together the contributions from scholars from various disciplines and adoptees themselves, this volume presents and discusses actionable measures that adoption stakeholders in both sending and receiving countries can employ to address the injustices inflicted upon victims of illegal intercountry adoptions. Targeting a diverse audience, including academics, policymakers, and adoption stakeholders, the book seeks to foster a path toward healing and accountability within the complex terrain of intercountry adoption.
Dilemmas beyond Bars
Milou Van Dijk
- Eleven international publishing
- Het groene gras
- 13 November 2023
- 9789047301769
Prison officers have been described as key determinants of the prison experience for prisoners, yet up until recently this occupational group was largely ignored in academic research. Although society often sees prison officers simply as `keepers of the keys', the existing research has shown the job to be much more complex.
In this book, the author explores an element of the prison officer's job that is still understudied: the existence of ethical dilemmas. In doing so, this book highlights several questions: which ethical dilemmas do prison officers experience? How do they deal with them? Which values are important when dealing with ethical dilemmas? After discovering the answers to these questions, the author designs and evaluates an ethics training course for prison officers, in an attempt to increase their ethical competence, and the way they deal with ethical dilemmas. A second part of the book explores whether this training was successful and what can be learned from its implementation, not only for future training efforts, but also for the prison system in general.
Het groene gras (`the green grass') is an academic book series on criminology (including security) that shares knowledge between scholars in The Netherlands and Belgium, offers a platform for young researchers and focuses on (comparative) research that is relevant for The Netherlands and Belgium. The series has a multidisciplinary approach, with a prominent place for criminology in relation to other disciplines. Publications in the series are in Dutch or in English. -
Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2022
- Eleven international publishing
- Proceedings of the International Institu
- 21 Mei 2024
- 9789400114135
This volume contains the proceedings of the 65th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space held in September 2022, as well as the report of the IISL Standing Committee on the Status of International Agreements Relating to Activities in Outer Space.
Mapping the Territorial Scope of EU Law
Wessel Geursen
- Eleven international publishing
- 22 April 2024
- 9789400113800
With increased globalisation, digitisation, cross-border movement of persons and multinational businesses, events and cases have progressively become transnational. Conversely, with the current geopolitical climate, increase of migration and recent pandemics, borders have regained importance. These developments raise questions about the territorial scope of legislation. In this book, 28 mechanisms have been identified which influence the territorial scope of EU law. By using these mechanisms, the territorial scope of any rule of EU law can be determined. The mechanisms relate to decolonisation, overseas countries and territories, disputed borders and territorial claims, Brexit, accession, enhanced cooperation, opt-in and opt-out, the Brussels effect, etc. In addition, this book covers various fields of EU law (free movement rules, migration law, the GDPR, competition law, VAT, sanctions, etc.). The book is unique and stands out from other EU law books, because it encompasses all mechanisms relevant to mapping the territorial scope of the different fields of EU law. It is written for academics, practitioners, policymakers and lawmakers alike.
Child-friendly Justice in Child Custody and Contact Cases after Parental Separation
Evelyn Merckx
- Eleven international publishing
- 18 December 2023
- 9789400113060
Nowadays, many children have to live with the repercussions of their parents' decision to separate. Following that decision, arrangements on the children's residence and visitation rights with a parent become necessary. These arrangements are often made during a time of emotional tribulation, when children are struggling to find a new balance. Generally, parents turn to the legal system to handle their separation or to manage conflicts that arise. However, these legal proceedings can become very conflictual and although children are directly impacted by the decisions of courts, they are often shielded from the judicial procedure. This results in children not knowing where they can turn to when they face problems. Therefore, child-friendly justice, which safeguards children's needs and implements children's rights, is sorely needed. In this book, the author drafted an evaluation framework with legal and sociopsychological principles to ensure that child custody and contact proceedings are child-friendly. Thereafter, the specific Belgian legal situation and practice is evaluated. Unique insights are gained in the experiences and viewpoints of Flemish family judges and children. The book closes with detailed recommendations and is therefore a must-read for academic scholars, policy makers and professionals who wish to improve children's lives.
Effective Cross-Border Pension Information in the Face of Multi-Level Legal Systems
S.P.M. Kramer
- Eleven international publishing
- Maastricht Law Series
- 8 December 2023
- 9789400113619
A growing number of mobile individuals, who take advantage of their European freedoms of movement, face a lack of comprehensive pension information. This obstacle can hinder those who need pension information the most in making well-informed retirement decisions, which are crucial given the ongoing importance of a sufficient pension across Europe. This book investigates the fitness of regulatory frameworks at national (Netherlands and Germany), European, and international levels governing the taxation of cross-border statutory, occupational, and personal pensions for effective pension information provision. Where these frameworks fall short, the author explores necessary legal and non-legal interventions to ensure and enhance information effectiveness.
The author introduces an innovative multidisciplinary evaluation framework, drawing from behavioural economics, economic psychology, and cognitive psychology concepts. It applies a `distanced approach', translating findings into the legal domain to enrich legal doctrine while adopting a `law in action' perspective. This interdisciplinary work also employs an experimental design (randomized controlled trial) to address the common question of `what will I get?'
The research's findings are particularly relevant to various stakeholders, including academia, national governments, EU law and policymakers, policy advisors, pension funds, tax lawyers, pension advisors, and consultants. Its multidisciplinary approach fosters dialogue between the realms of law and policymaking, merging previously isolated areas of academic research. This accessible, cutting-edge study offers practical applications for both academic and practical domains.
Sander Kramer serves as an Assistant Professor in Tax Law at the Institute for Transnational and Euregional Cross-Border Cooperation and Mobility (ITEM) and is affiliated with the Department of Tax Law at Maastricht University.
About the Maastricht Law Series: Created in 2018 by Boom juridisch and Eleven International Publishing in association with the Maastricht University Faculty of Law, the Maastricht Law Series publishes books on comparative, European and International law. The series builds upon the tradition of excellence in research at the Maastricht Faculty of Law, its research centers and the Ius Commune Research School. The Maastricht Law Series is a peer reviewed bookseries that allows researchers an excellent opportunity t0 showcase their work -
In Anticipation of a Future Period of Incapacity
H.N. Stelma-Roorda
- Eleven international publishing
- NILG - Familie en recht
- 23 Januari 2024
- 9789400113664
With an ageing population, the number of people with dementia is expected to increase in the coming decades. Dementia can seriously impair a person's ability to act and decide. In the Netherlands, adults can provide for such a future period of incapacity through a so-called levenstestament. A levenstestament can include the appointment of an attorney for financial, medical and/or personal matters, but also the adult's wishes, preferences and instructions regarding these matters. Over the past decade, the levenstestament has become increasingly popular in the Netherlands. A major concern, however, is that the levenstestament becomes active at a time when adults will generally be increasingly unable to supervise the execution of the levenstestament and indicate whether they are satisfied with the actions of their attorney. This book provides a thorough analysis of the current regulation and application of the levenstestament based on legal-normative and empirical research. Based on comparative law research, recommendations have been formulated to improve the regulation of the levenstestament and address problems that arise in practice. The Family & Law series broadly focuses on the debate between theory and practice in the field of Family Law. The exchange of knowledge with other disciplines, such as the Social Science, plays an important role. This series is composed of monographs, theses, conference bundles and commentaries. These publications are aimed at lawyers, notaries, judges, academics and officials from the civil registry.
Implementation of the EU Preventive Restructuring Directive
- Eleven international publishing
- Leiden Business and Law Research Series
- 26 Februari 2024
- 9789400113596
In 2019, the European Parliament and the Council adopted the Preventive Restructuring Directive (2019/1023), providing for minimum harmonisation of, among others, preventive restructuring frameworks (PRF). This book provides in-depth analyses of its implementation in seven European countries: Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. Whereas Member States of the European Union were under a duty to complete implementation by July 2022, the United Kingdom took inspiration from it when voluntarily introducing reforms to its restructuring regime.
This book covers detailed analyses of the new or reformed PRFs across Europe, including the objective and scope of a PRF, the criteria/test to enter a PRF, the involved actors, the possibilities for a stay, the plan, the possibilities for a debtfor-equity swap, the effects of a PRF on executory contracts and jurisdiction and recognition of court decisions taken during a PRF. Drawing on the domestic implementations, the book also presents a comparative study evaluating the different policy options implemented by domestic legislators. This book functions as an insightful source for practitioners, academics and policy makers. -
Today's global society - with its fast technological developments, unlimited choice, uncertainty and complexity - requires new knowledge, dispositions and abilities from academically educated legal professionals. This challenges academic legal education to reconsider its theoretical foundations, aims, curriculum and pedagogy.
This research explores how educators in legal education can contribute to the academic development of law students in contemporary times. A reinterpretation of the 19th century educational ideal of Bildung - which entails critical thinking, creative thinking, ACT responsibility and play and playfulness - is proposed as central to legal education's academic core.
This book offers teachers, course and curriculum designers, and policy makers in academic legal education a theoretical foundation as a basis for their educational efforts. Furthermore, it proposes practical models and appropriate instructional interventions for the integration of critical thinking, creative thinking, ACT responsibility and play and playfulness in the everyday practice of legal education. -
Criminal Behavior and Accountability of Artificial Intelligence Systems
A. Giannini
- Eleven international publishing
- Maastricht Law Series
- 24 November 2023
- 9789400113381
AI systems have the capacity to act in a way that can generally be considered as `criminal' by society. Yet, it can be argued that they lack (criminal) agency - and the feeling of it. In the future, however, humans might develop expectations of norm-conforming behavior from machines. Criminal law might not be the right answer for AI-related harm, even though holding AI systems directly liable could be useful - to a certain extent. This book explores the issue of criminal responsibility of AI systems by focusing on whether such legal framework would be needed and feasible. It aims to understand how to deal with the (apparent) conflict between AI and the most classical notions of criminal law. The occurrence of AI is not the first time that criminal law theory has had to deal with new scientific developments. Nevertheless, the debate on criminal liability of AI systems is somewhat different: it is deeply introspective. In other words, discussing the liability of new artificial agents brings about pioneering perspectives on the liability of human agents. As such, this book poses questions that find their answers in one's own beliefs on what is human and what is not, and, ultimately, on what is right and what is wrong.
About the Maastricht Law Series: Created in 2018 by Boom Juridisch and Eleven International Publishing in association with the Maastricht University Faculty of Law, the Maastricht Law Series publishes books on comparative, European and International law. The series builds upon the tradition of excellence in research at the Maastricht Faculty of Law, its research centers and the Ius Commune Research School. The Maastricht Law Series is a peer reviewed book series that allows researchers an excellent opportunity to showcase their work. -
To Share or Not to Share (Others´ Data) - That Is the Question...
F. Weber
- Eleven international publishing
- Erasmus Law Lectures
- 23 Augustus 2023
- 9789400113282
In her inaugural lecture of 9 June 2023 Prof. Dr. Franziska Weber delved into the conundrum of sharing others' data: By sharing our personal data we also share - directly and indirectly - information about others. In some situations we are aware of this, in others less so. Weber outlines the social problems this entails with a special focus on negative data externalities. She then illustrates data valuation challenges and presents experimental insights which counter the claim that the sharing individuals are oblivious to the externality they create. She ends with some recommendations on how some fine-tuning of the current legal regime can improve incentives and outcomes on data markets by bringing them more in line with citizens' preferences. It is striking that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is tailored to individual data subjects and largely neglects the interdependent notion of data. To improve the GDPR a stronger consideration of the other needs to implemented, be it when consenting, in the context of legitimate interests or other data processing grounds. It is, furthermore, desirable to reduce the processing of allegedly anonymous data which falls outside the scope of the GDPR.
Property Law Perspectives VIII
- Eleven international publishing
- Maastricht Law Series
- 5 September 2023
- 9789400113312
This volume is the eighth instalment in the Property Law Perspectives Series. Produced by the Young Property Lawyers' Forum (, a global network of early career property law scholars, this volume presents the carefully curated highlights of two consecutive conferences held virtually in 2021 and 2022. A broad range of property law topics are covered in this book within the three themes of `Property and Sustainability', `Property and Society in Extraordinary Times', and `Property Law for the Future'. The chapters have been submitted by talented young researchers from jurisdictions around the world including Italy, Peru, and South Africa, with each chapter providing an interesting analysis of an important aspect of property law. This book merits the attention of every student and academic interested in new developments in property scholarship, as well as of legal practitioners looking to place societal developments into a legal context.
Crossing Borders: Proving Your Personal Status
Sarah den Haese
- Eleven international publishing
- 11 Juli 2023
- 9789400112896
The increasing mobility of people leads to the worldwide circulation of documents that record the personal status of people (e.g. birth, marriage, death). The recognition of these documents traditionally belongs to the field of private international law. This book first maps the private international law rules applicable in Belgium and the Netherlands (Chapter 1) and scrutinises whether and to what extent human rights law and EU principles can support people to obtain or prevent the recognition of a personal status obtained abroad (Chapter 2). Legislation, legal doctrine and case law from the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) have been scrutinised in detail. Subsequently, this book looks into the application of this legal framework by Belgian and Dutch public servants and judges when they are confronted with a request to recognise a foreign marriage, legal parent-child relationship or kafala. This book is unique as it encompasses the results of a bilingual online survey distributed among Belgian and Dutch public servants (over 200 respondents) (Chapter 3) and a case law analysis of over 500 published and unpublished judgments (Chapter 4). The last chapter (Chapter 5) contains recommendations and reflects on future research.
Crossing Borders: Proving Your Personal Status is a must-have for practitioners and students looking for a thorough understanding of Belgian and Dutch private international law rules and a comprehensive overview of the ECtHR's and CJEU's case law on the portability of personal status.
(Agentschap Integratie en Inburgering). -
The Recognition and Enforcement of Punitive Damages Judgments Across the Globe
- Eleven international publishing
- Maastricht Law Series
- 13 Juli 2023
- 9789400113176
Thus far, private international law issues relating to punitive damages have mainly been dealt with from the perspective of several European countries. Systematic research into countries outside Europe was lacking up until now. There is, however, a continuous discussion in various legal systems worldwide on the recognition and enforcement of foreign punitive damages judgments and, in particular, regarding their compatibility with the public policy of the country of enforcement.
In October 2021, the Maastricht European Private Law Institute (M-EPLI) organised a Roundtable on the recognition and enforcement of punitive damages across the globe. Experts from different continents reflected on the current position in their jurisdiction(s) and exchanged their understandings and ideas in the Roundtable. This resulting book includes an introductory chapter on the status quo of punitive damages enforcement in Europe, followed by country reports from Russia, China, South Korea, the Philippines and Japan, Commonwealth Africa, Mexico and Argentina, and Brazil. In conclusion, overarching insights from the Hague Conference are formulated.
This book provides an invaluable resource for academics, judges, practitioners and policy makers in the field of private international law, punitive damages, and civil law remedies. It gives an overview of the treatment of punitive damages judgments across continents and may serve as a building block for further research. -
Discrimination and the Foundation of Justice
E. Dijkstra
- Eleven international publishing
- 29 Juni 2023
- 9789400113015
Discrimination is still not sufficiently addressed within liberal democracies. Often only some groups are protected against discrimination and merely in certain situations. This leaves many who suffer because of discrimination without recourse. And that is only one of the dilemmas with group-based approaches to the protection against discrimination. So why are these approaches so common? And can we find a viable alternative?
In this new book, legal scholar Erwin Dijkstra answers these questions. His analysis is thorough, original, and thought-provoking. This makes Discrimination and the Foundation of Justice indispensable for anyone who seeks a better understanding of discrimination law, the relevant human rights context, and the debate on improving the protection against discrimination. That debate is brought to life through a thoughtful discussion of hotly debated topics like hate speech, affirmative action, and institutions that speak out against discrimination.
As discrimination concerns us all, this book was written as a resource for all. It is meant to be read by those studying discrimination law professionally and the broader public alike. -
Codifications of Late Antiquity
J.H.A. Lokin
- Eleven international publishing
- 30 Juni 2023
- 9789400112827
This book is the last book Jan Lokin wrote. Lokin had written on and off about the theme of codification throughout his career. He started writing about codification in 1984 and returned to the theme with this book. The term codification itself was coined by Jeremy Bentham. So, it is a bit of an anachronism to use the term codification in connection with the law codes of Theodosius II and Justinian, but it nevertheless describes these codes very well, as Lokin shows. He studied the two codifications of Late Antiquity in great detail and gives us an in-depth insight into the art of legislative technique during the reigns of both emperors.
Lokin was finishing the book, when his final illness overtook him. Since dying is the last thing you do in life, he was not able to make final corrections if necessary. But, knowing the end was about to come, he asked Tom van Bochove to finalise the book. Jan knew Tom for the better part of forty years, so Tom's solemn promise to prepare the book for printing gave him the reassurance that the job would be done. Tom checked the literature, the sources and the references, and made the book ready for printing. In the end the preparation of the book for publication was teamwork. The English was corrected by Anne-Marie Drummond. Pia Lokin- Sassen proofread the book.
The book is a tribute to the memory of Jan Lokin, and the best one possible: a tribute he himself made. -
Of swords and shields: due process and crime control in times of globalization
- Eleven international publishing
- Pompe-reeks
- 15 Maart 2023
- 9789400112247
On 10 March 2023, John Vervaele retired as professor of Economic and European criminal law at Utrecht University. On the occasion of that farewell, this liber amicorum was presented to him. It comprises 85 contributions, written in a variety of languages by friends, colleagues and former colleagues from all over the world.
In keeping with the tradition of the Willem Pompe Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology, the contributions are arranged around the following themes, which have also been central to John's work: criminal justice, core values and human rights; crime, criminology and criminal justice; criminal justice and European integration; corporate crime and the enforcement of socio-economic law; and conflicts and transitional justice.
The contributions are very worthwhile for an academic audience, as well as for legal practitioners.