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12 eBooks gevonden
Een Indische vrouw in MaleisiÃf«
Rick Honings, Olf Praamstra, Coen van ââ`¬Ëoet Veer
- WalburgPers Algemeen
- 17 Oktober 2024
- 9789048565863
ebook (pdf) GratisWie nu het nieuws over Iran volgt, kan zich nauwelijks voorstellen dat de relaties tussen Nederland en Iran tot 1979 uitstekend waren. Perzië werd gezien als een mythisch land met een eeuwenoude beschaving en sjah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi als visionair en hervormer. Het Nederlandse koningshuis kwam graag bij hem over de vloer en Nederlandse bedrijven deden goede zaken in Iran.
Toen in de jaren zeventig meer bekend werd over de onderdrukking in Iran, keerde het Nederlandse publiek zich tegen de sjah. De regering stak echter de kop in het zand en zag de Iraanse Revolutie niet aankomen.ebook (pdf) GratisIn haar Gouden Eeuw nam Antwerpen de rol over van Brugge als handelscentrum van West-Europa. Antwerpen groeide daarbij uit van een middelgrote Brabantse stad tot de onbetwiste metropool van de Lage Landen met niet minder dan 100.000 inwoners. Over de impact van deze economische en demografische groei op het stadsbestuur was tot nu toe weinig bekend en dat terwijl Antwerpen een interessante en uitzonderlijke casus is. Terwijl in vergelijkbare handelsmetropolen - zoals vijftiende-eeuws Brugge, zestiende-eeuw Lyon of zeventiende-eeuws Amsterdam - het stadsbestuur steeds meer werd bevolkt door handelaars, was dat in Antwerpen niet het geval.
Macht in de Metropool reconstrueert wie er tussen 1400 en 1550 dan wel in het Antwerpse stadsbestuur zat als schepen of burgemeester, wat hun profiel was en hoe dit evolueerde door de tijd heen. Ook de vastgoedinvesteringen van deze groep en haar relatie met verschillende sleutelgroepen in de samenleving - de ambachten, de adel en het centraal bestuur - worden in kaart gebracht.ebook (pdf) GratisSome multiple-used city churches are neither fully in use by a faith community nor fully allocated to new forms of use, but are shared by both a (protestant) faith community and secular users. By sharing the church building, the diverse users and communities get in touch with each other. Eventual (slight) offenses between them can often be traced back to their respective relationships with the church building. Each church building has a specific history of the use of the building, its own architecture, a specific Protestant community, a chosen legal model and a particular profile for multiple use. Through the multiple use and the restorations, the pre-Reformation Catholic past is tangibly brought back. Those involved realise that they depend on each other in their efforts to keep the church building in good condition. The analysis of the interactions between users concentrates on the tangible aspects of the process of de-churching.
ebook (pdf) GratisGrof geschut
Azarja Harmanny
- AUP Algemeen
- Onafhankelijkheid, Dekolonisatie, Geweld
- 19 April 2023
- 9789048556830
De Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog is in Nederland lange tijd aangeduid met versluierende termen als `politionele acties'. In werkelijkheid was het een ware oorlog waarin Nederlandse troepen met moderne wapens de strijd aangingen. De inzet van artillerie, bommenwerpers en scheepsgeschut werd niet geschuwd in het streven de gewapende `opstand' de kop in te drukken. Wat waren de gevolgen van bombardementen en beschietingen met dergelijk grof geschut? In welke gevallen werden deze middelen ingezet en in hoeverre werd gepoogd burgerslachtoffers te voorkomen?
Voor het eerst is op systematische wijze de toepassing van vooral artillerie en luchtstrijdkrachten in de onafhankelijkheidsstrijd onderzocht. Grof geschut biedt zowel statistische overzichten als analyses van gevechten waarbij op grote schaal zware wapens zijn ingezet. Daarbij komt ook de vraag aan de orde hoe de inzet van deze middelen zich verhield tot het geweldsgebruik in het algemeen. Deze studie vormt een onmisbare bijdrage aan onze kennis over de aard en omvang van extreem geweldgebruik door de Nederlandse krijgsmacht in de Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog.ebook (pdf) GratisDutch economist and diplomat Peter de Haan describes the worrying increase of censorship and self-censorship in the world. A rising number of journalists, bloggers, and writers can't any longer write as they please; some flee their home country, others are tortured, incarcerated, or are even killed. This essay depicts what happened during the past decade regarding freedom of expression and censorship in the world and tells the shocking stories of some of its victims.He demonstrates a negative relationship between censorship and economic development. The more a regime clamps down on freedom of the media, the poorer its economic development. Welfare economics pays attention to the role of culture in society: the promotion of culture adds to the well being of citizens. Peter de Haan recalls that culture also promotes - through its inspirational strength - innovation and a society's economic development. Famous economists, writers, and philosophers have argued that there is also a relationship between freedom - including freedom of expression - and democracy. This booklet also provides a long list of international organizations defending freedom of expression and freedom of the media, including information about what they do and how victims of censorship can benefit from them.
A publication of the Eva Tas Foundation.
The Eva Tas Foundation encourages publication and promotion of texts that are, no matter where and no matter how, subject to censorship.ebook (ePub) GratisAmir Valle (Cuba, 1967) offers a unique analysis of the suppression of freedom of expression in Cuba by Fidel Castro's 'revolutionary' government. From the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959 to the 'Raulist Era' of today, he offers a chilling survey of the most significant cases of cultural repression and censorship perpetrated by the longest Communist dictatorship in the world.
From their beginnings in literature and journalism, the author has witnessed first hand the oppressive and painful wounds inflicted by censorship and cultural repression. He is detested by the dictatorship of the Castro brothers for his ethical stance, his intellectual honesty, his knowledge of the reality of political and cultural power in Cuba, and his work as a writer and journalist to reveal the sinister truths Castroism wants to conceal from the world.
A publication of the Eva Tas Foundation.
The Eva Tas Foundation encourages publication and promotion of texts that are, no matter where and no matter how, subject to censorship.
ebook (ePub) GratisPress freedom in Turkey is a hot topic. If a (well known) journalist is detained, prosecuted or sacked in Turkey, the news is covered in full in many Western countries. Nevertheless, many articles and reports reveal only a part of what really happens: they tell the story of the journalist, newspaper or TV broadcaster involved, but not that of the underlying mechanisms. No wonder: these are not easy to explain in a paragraph or two, or in two or three minutes. On the one hand, the lack of press freedom in Turkey is an extremely brief story - it doesn't exist - but on the other it reveals a knot of undemocratic laws, feeble journalistic traditions and huge economic and political interests that are hard to entangle. For the first time this booklet takes the covers off the mechanisms, illustrated with examples to render the Turkish media landscape as intelligible as possible. It has been written by the journalist Fréderike Geerdink. She was a correspondent in Turkey from 2006 to 2015, when she was deported by the Turkish authorities for doing her work as a journalist. Over recent decades, dozens of journalists in Turkey have not survived the lack of press freedom in their country. A number of their portraits have been included in this booklet in commemoration of them.
A publication of the Eva Tas Foundation.
The Eva Tas Foundation encourages publication and promotion of texts that are, no matter where and no matter how, subject to censorship.ebook (ePub) Gratis'State of Nature' and 'State of exception' have become the only two options for the people of Bangladesh recently, where writers, bloggers and publishers are getting killed by Al-Qaeda affiliates and persecuted by the Government. Empowerment of polarizations such as 'secular' verses 'Islamists' have also empowered the ruling regime and Islamist extremist groups. Severe censorship on all kind of media has suffocated freedom of expression. New public spheres that had emerged in the internet era are also in decline under terror, censorship, intimidation, and curfew.Several bloggers, writers, publishers and activists have become victims of terrorist attacks in Bangladesh, with most of them killed. As a culture of impunity persists, many have been forced to leave the country, and Parvez Alam is one of them. Parvez is a Bangladeshi blogger and writer who has written several books in his own language on history of Islam, secularism in Bangladesh and political Islam. He is also an activist who worked with several social and political platforms until he had to leave Bangladesh in the face of death threats and being featured in several hit lists. In Disappearing Public Spheres he outlines the major events that unfolded in Bangladesh during the recent years and analyses the rise and decline of internet era public spheres in his country. As a close witness, he writes a history of slow death and transformation of heterotopic spaces where once the internet era revolutionaries of his generation had united and expressed themselves. It is also a personal story, and a history of revolutionary utopia coming to an end. It is a history of death and persecution, censorship and autocracy.
A publication of the Eva Tas Foundation.
The Eva Tas Foundation encourages publication and promotion of texts that are, no matter where and no matter how, subject to censorship.ebook (ePub) GratisFree speech (Fri Wortu) is not common in Surinam. Sylvana van den Braak shows how, after the military coup in the 1980s, a period began of censorship and dictatorship. Despite democratic elections, the government is still trying, in his own special way, to influence the media. The business community agrees with it. Besides that the small community of Surinam and the relationships pave the way for self-censorship. The truth can only be heard on the street, where the local language Sranan is spoken. Dutch is the language of government and business, and these are not to be trusted. The journalist can make the difference, but journalism has to go a long way when it comes to inform the people correctly.
A publication of the Eva Tas Foundation.
The Eva Tas Foundation encourages publication and promotion of texts that are, no matter where and no matter how, subject to censorship.ebook (ePub) GratisEste es un libro necesario por la singularidad de su análisis sobre la censura a las libertades expresivas impuesta en Cuba por el gobierno 'revolucionario' de Fidel Castro, desde el triunfo de la Revolución Cubana en 1959 hasta la hoy llamada 'Era Raulista', y por ofrecer un recorrido escalofriante a través de los más importantes sucesos de la represión cultural y la censura perpetradas por la más larga dictadura comunista del mundo. Como afirma en el prólogo el escritor Ángel Santiesteban Prats, también víctima de la censura castrista, este libro es importante además porque lo escribe Amir Valle, novelista cubano de gran renombre internacional, que ha conocido en carne propia, desde sus inicios en la literatura y el periodismo, las heridas opresivas y dolorosas de la censura y la represión cultural.
Amir Valle (Guantánamo, Cuba, 1967), dice Ángel Santiesteban, es "detestado por la dictadura de los hermanos Castro, por su postura ética, su honestidad intelectual, su profundo conocimiento de la realidad del poder político y cultural en Cuba, y por su incansable trabajo como escritor y periodista dando a conocer internacionalmente las siniestras verdades que el Castrismo quiere ocultar al mundo".
A publication of the Eva Tas Foundation.
The Eva Tas Foundation encourages publication and promotion of texts that are, no matter where and no matter how, subject to censorship.
ebook (ePub) GratisA fri wortu / Het vrije woord
Sylvana van den Braak
- Eva Tas Foundation
- Eva Tas Foundation
- 4 September 2017
- 9789491833410
Het vrije woord (Fri Wortu) is geen gemeengoed in Suriname. Sylvana van den Braak laat zien hoe, na de militaire coup in de jaren 1980, een periode van censuur en dictatuur begon. Ondanks democratische verkiezingen probeert de overheid nog steeds, op zijn eigen speciale manier, de media te beïnvloeden. Het bedrijfsleven gaat daarin mee. Daarnaast maken de kleinschaligheid van de gemeenschap van Suriname en de onderlinge relaties de weg vrij voor zelfcensuur. De waarheid kan alleen worden gehoord op straat, waar de lokale taal Sranan wordt gesproken. Nederlands is de taal van de overheid en het bedrijfsleven, en die zijn niet te vertrouwen. Wat de journalist schrijft, kan het verschil maken, maar de journalistiek heeft in Suriname nog een lange weg te gaan, met name als het erom gaat het volk juist voor te lichten.
A publication of the Eva Tas Foundation.
The Eva Tas Foundation encourages publication and promotion of texts that are, no matter where and no matter how, subject to censorship.
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