6 eBooks gevonden
- Leuven University Press
- CeMIS Migration and Intercultural Studie
- 12 Februari 2019
- 9789461662736
Radicalisation is a topical and a much-discussed concept in current European societies. Its use in policy and societal discourses, such as media coverage and educational contexts, is very sensitive. This thought-provoking collection of essays critically addresses the topic of radicalisation from different angles, combining discipline-specific insights from the fields of sociology, philosophy, history, religious studies, and media studies, with new empirical data.
The authors step away from readily available explanations and rethink the notion of 'the radical'. Rather than merely focusing on individuals or ideologies, they advocate for a contextual perspective that allows to consider the complex interaction between individuals, groups, and institutions, both at a national and international level. Radicalisation: A Marginal Phenomenon, or a Mirror to Society? provides the reader not only with much-needed knowledge of the complex nature of the concept of radicalisation, but also offers insights into the various ways radicalisation processes can be triggered, prevented, or addressed. -
Gender and Migration
- Leuven University Press
- CeMIS Migration and Intercultural Studie
- 27 November 2018
- 9789461662651
The impact of gender on migration processes
Considering the dynamic and reciprocal relationship between gender relations and migration, the contributions in this book approach migration dynamics from a gender-sensitive perspective. Bringing together insights from various fields of study, it is demonstrated how processes of social change occur differently in distinct life domains, over time, and across countries and/or regions, influencing the relationship between gender and migration. Detailed analysis by regions, countries, and types of migration reveals a strong variation regarding levels and features of female and male migration. This approach enables us to grasp the distinct ways in which gender roles, perceptions, and relations, each embedded in a particular cultural, geographical, and socioeconomic context, affect migration dynamics. Hence, this volume demonstrates that gender matters at each stage of the migration process. In its entirety, Gender and Migration gives evidence of the unequivocal impact of gender and gendered structures, both at a micro and macro level, upon migrant's lives and of migration on gender dynamics. -
Migration and Integration in Flanders
- Leuven University Press
- CeMIS Migration and Intercultural Studie
- 25 April 2018
- 9789461662552
Thought-provoking insights on the nexus of migration and integration beyond the national context
Across the world, and due to ongoing globalisation, migration is increasingly becoming a part of daily life. But more than ever, migration can no longer be viewed as a simple linear trajectory from A to B. The emergence of transnational communities and intense interactions between regions of origin and of destination have led to new forms of social-cultural praxis and (sub)cultures which exert an important influence on the integration of immigrants. The case of Flanders, the northern part of Belgium and a reference point for the impact of these processes across Europe, is presented as a case study in this book.
Migration and Integration in Flanders is structured in three thematic parts, opening with chapters on the imaginaries and perceptions of people in changing migration contexts. The book then proceeds with chapters which present theoretical and empiric data on changing integration dynamics in multicultural societies. The final chapter concludes with a discussion of social networks' mediating role.
The growing complexity of migration leads the contributing authors to look beyond borders, both of national frontiers - as migration by definition implies cross-border research - and of disciplines and research methods. In doing so, the present volume offers thought-provoking essays on topical issues that stir public and political debates across Europe, and contributes to fundamental discussions on changing societies. -
Moroccan Migration in Belgium
- Leuven University Press
- CeMIS Migration and Intercultural Studie
- 7 Maart 2018
- 9789461662569
First volume in the new series CeMIS Migration and Intercultural Studies
Moroccans are one of the largest and most debated migrant groups in Belgium. Moroccan Migration in Belgium analyses diverse facets of this community from a multidisciplinary perspective and addresses the most relevant and some underexposed topics in the rapidly developing field of migration studies. Combining various academic disciplines and different research methods, the book offers a panoramic introspection into the dynamic nature of migration studies in general and Moroccan studies in particular. The contributions of established academics and young researchers will not only appeal to scientific peers working on this domain, but also to teachers, social workers, policy advisors and other interested people who work from close or afar with this minority group.
Chaïma Ahaddour (KU Leuven), Goedele Baeke (KU Leuven), Anna Berbers (University of Amsterdam), Bert Broeckaert (KU Leuven), Frank Caestecker (Ghent University), Noel Clycq (University of Antwerp), Sam De Schutter (Leiden University), Leen d'Haenens (KU Leuven), Emilien Dupont (Ghent University), Karim Ettourki (KADOC-KU Leuven), Nadia Fadil (KU Leuven), Idesbald Goddeeris (KU Leuven), Mieke Groeninck (KU Leuven), Philip Hermans (KU Leuven), Jürgen Jaspers (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Norah Karrouche (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Joyce Koeman (KU Leuven), Iman Lechkar (Vrije Universiteit Brussel/KU Leuven), François Levrau (University of Antwerp), John Lievens (Ghent University), Rilke Mahieu (University of Antwerp), Albert Martens (KU Leuven), Karel Neels (University of Antwerp), Wim Peumans (University of the Witwatersrand), Christiane Timmerman (University of Antwerp), Layla Van den Berg (University of Antwerp), Stef Van den Branden (KU Leuven), Bart Van de Putte (Ghent University), Nicolas Van Puymbroeck (University of Antwerp), Jonas Wood (University of Antwerp) -
Compass for intercultural partnerships
Bob Elsen, Ignace Pollet, Patrick Develtere
- Universitaire Pers Leuven
- 13 April 2017
- 9789461660213
As globalisation makes the visual distinction between North and South, East and West disappear, one definitely needs a compass. It still points to magnetic North. For the moment.
This book focuses on the added value created by interculturality which is the interaction, exchange and integration between people of different cultures. The reflexions are aimed at profit and non-profit organisations who have the ambition to be enriched and strengthened by their cultural diversity.
This publication states and illustrates; personal views seek to inspire. The outlines in this book are now a guiding principle for the Living Stone Centre of Competence for Intercultural Entrepreneurship (LSC), a cooperation between the K.U.Leuven (Catholic University of Leuven), Joker Toerisme SA and Cera. -
Op zoek naar weerkaatst plezier
Evelien Tonkens, Jennifer van den Broeke, Marc Hoijtink
- AUP Wetenschappelijk
- Pallas Publications
- 6 September 2011
- 9789048511051
Hoe kunnen we overbelasting van mantelzorgers en vrijwilligers voorkomen?
Mantelzorg en vrijwilligerswerk in de zorg worden steeds belangrijker maar tegelijkertijd steeds schaarser. Meer mensen hebben zorg nodig en minder mensen zijn beschikbaar om te zorgen, bijvoorbeeld doordat meer vrouwen zijn gaan werken. Hoe kunnen we overbelasting van mantelzorgers en vrijwilligers voorkomen?
Zorg kan een bron van stress en uitputting zijn maar het kan ook voldoening geven. De manier waarop familieleden, buren, vrijwilligers en professionele zorgverleners samenwerken, heeft daar veel invloed op, blijkt uit dit onderzoek. De onderzoekers spraken 75 autochtone, Marokkaanse, Turkse en Surinaamse Amsterdammers die zorg nodig hebben, hun familieleden, vrijwilligers en professionele zorgverleners. Ze onderscheiden vijf patronen van samenwerking in vijf soorten netwerken, met grote verschillen in overbelasting en voldoening.
Het boek geeft allen die beroepshalve of als vrijwilliger of mantelzorger met langdurige zorg te maken hebben, inzicht in de rol van samenwerking en netwerken in het voorkomen van overbelasting van mantelzorgers en vrijwilligers. Het boek biedt bovendien een indringend beeld van wat veranderingen in de zorg voor het alledaagse leven van mensen kunnen betekenen.
Evelien Tonkens (1961) is bijzonder hoogleraar actief burgerschap bij de afdeling sociologie en antropologie van de Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Jennifer van den Broeke (1976) is socioloog, en als onderzoeker werkzaam bij de afdeling sociale geneeskunde van het AMC/UvA.
Marc Hoijtink (1974) is socioloog en als onderzoeker werkzaam bij onderzoekscentrum Karthuizer van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam.