Outliner Books
Rotterdam is pionier op het gebied van live-muziek. De eerste stadionconcerten van Nederland waren in de Kuip, het Nederlandse Woodstock was in het Kralingse Bos en de grote inspiratiebron voor Lowlands vond plaats in de Doelen. Michael Jackson, Sex Pistols, Nirvana, Madonna, The Rolling Stones, Tina Turner, Jeff Buckley, Sonic Youth en Jimi Hendrix: allemaal kwamen ze naar Rotterdam.
Gideon Karting en Micha Zaat duiken de geschiedenis in, op zoek naar de aantrekkingskracht van Rotterdam als muziekstad. Ze spraken tientallen concertorganisatoren, muzikanten en toeschouwers. Wat speelde zich af achter de schermen? Wie waren er verantwoordelijk voor de successen? En wat ging er mis? Al deze verhalen tezamen laten zien wat de unieke kracht van Rotterdam als concertstad is.
Gideon Karting (1976) is artiestenmanager en concertorganisator. Eerder verscheen van hem Werk Nooit Met Je Idolen. Micha Zaat (1996) is, naast journalist, gitarist in de Rotterdamse rockband Tramhaus. -
For more than twenty years Gideon Karting has been a fixture in the
music industry. He started at the bottom as a concert billposter and worked his way up to the highest level of concert promotion. He was one of the top promoters in the Netherlands, having promoted all the Dutch shows of a wide range of leading artists, including Lady Gaga, Harry Styles, Adele, One Direction, Arctic Monkeys, Bruno Mars, and BTS. For many years he was also responsible for the programming of major festivals like Lowlands, North Sea Jazz, and Pinkpop.
Never Work With Your Idols is Karting's insider view of the music industry, full of dry humour and sardonic insight. In this amusing but practical guide Karting shares the fruits of his experience with his reader, guiding them through the music industry and its wealth of stories. Karting's 35 Commandments give aspiring music professionals all they need to help them make a successful career in this sector. Never Work With Your Idols is essential reading for people starting out in the industry and a real nostalgia trip for seasoned insiders.