This book consists of lyrics from the album 'Universal Tales', written and recorded by Nemo Sonra.
It consists of seventeen independent short stories written in rhyme.
There are three extra short texts taken from other sources.
The themes range from outer space voyages to more close situations and war stories.
Available on all major sources to listen to or to be read independently. -
A step-by-step method, starting from the very beginning, especially for bass players who hold their instrument in their hands for the first time, with a well thought-out structure and many practical application examples. 10 chapters on 260 pages consistently lead you to your goal of becoming a discreet bass player who can play in any band or jam session, no matter what style, and doing an excellent job.
A few topics that await you: First Steps with the Plucking and the Fretting Hand, First Examples of Bass Lines, Introduction to Rhythm Studies, Basic Grooves and Song Examples with Eighth Notes, Intervals, Scales, own Fills, Song Examples with Pentatonic Fills, the Church Modes, Scales over two Octaves, Chord Studies, Double Stops, Rhythm Studies and Grooves with 16th Notes, Pick-up Fills, Dead Notes, Phrasing, Study of different Styles, the Slap Technique, Melodies on the Bass + eleven complete Song Transcriptions in different Styles.
With Standard Notation, Tabs and Playalongs to each exercise!
How to play Bass, Volume 1 - for Beginners to intermediate Bass Players
How to play Bass, Volume 2 - for intermediate to advanced Bass Players -
A Continuation of Book 1, building on "How to play Bass, Volume 1" - with ten more chapters and over 330 pages! This Book teaches you everything you need to become a professional bass player.
A few topics that await you: Functional Harmony, Slash Chords, Groove Development, Playing Chords on the Bass, Improvisation/Soloing, Walking Bass, Latin Bass, Swinged 16th Notes, Synth/Keyboard Bass Lines, Odd Meter Studies, Double Thumb Slap Technique, Harmonics. Plus Melodies for Bass, Solo Pieces, Solo Transcriptions, complete Song Examples.
With Standard Notation, Tabs and Playalongs to each exercise!