In Balanced Singing, Xenia Meijer provides professional and aspiring singers and voice teachers with holistic methods and practices that have rarely been associated with classical singing, but which can help singers and teachers deal with the challenges and difficulties of singing and performing. Drawing on more than 35 years' experience of performing and teaching, Xenia Meijer guides the reader through accessible, practical strategies for avoiding common pitfalls for singers and teachers.
The theories and practical suggestions in this book are derived from observing natural phenomena in both humans and animals. Through patient, compassionate observation, this book explores how the relationship between us and our animal kin can provide a deeper understanding of the profound human truths we express through vocal performance, and offer insights into how we might approach the use and teaching of voice honestly and holistically. With a special emphasis on teaching voice, this book is designed to be a supportive companion to singers and singing teachers in search of answers to a wide variety of questions.